Thursday, August 1, 2013

[xrecnet] Specialist/Analyst (Disaster Recovery)



Please send your updated resume if interested for the following position. Attached form will give you clear Idea also fill the form and send along with the resume.

CLIENT: Govt Project




01.Two years of providing Continuity of Operation Planning services to government agencies including the development, maintenance, testing and training of documentation, plans, policies and procedures that are required to mitigate potential impacts and restore normal operations to organizations impacted by human-caused or natural outages or disasters

02.Development of all-hazards planning documentation; conducting risk analysis; conducting business impact analysis; developing or providing data protection, recovery, off-site storage and restoration services; conducting recovery exercise training and support; and providing or planning for recovery site services.

03.Experience in providing training and facilitation of testing for:

Disaster Risk Assessment processes, identifying potential hazards and analysis of what could happen if a hazard occurs.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA) determining the potential impacts resulting from the interruption of time sensitive or critical business processes.

IT  Impact Analysis determining the potential impacts resulting from the interruption information technology services.

04.Experience in providing training and facilitation of testing for:

        Table top exercise design and after action plan development:

·       Table top exercise design and after action plan development training

·       Table top exercise facilitation

·       Functional exercise design and after action development

·       Functional exercise design and after action development training

·       Functional exercise facilitation

       Experience in providing training and facilitation of testing for:

·       Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

·       Continuity of Operation Planning (COOP)

·       IT Disaster Recovery Plan

·       Emergency Operations Plan


·       Client / Server

·       Mainframe or nTier

·       Virtual

        CERTIFICATIONS: (Any of the following Certifications)

·       FEMA NIMS 700

·       FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Professional Continuity Practitioner (Level 1)

·       FEMA EMI Master Continuity Practitioner (Level 2)

·       DRI International Associate Business Continuity Professional (ABCP)

·       DRI International Certified Functional Continuity Professional (CFPF)

·       DRI International Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP)

·       DRI International Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP)

NOTE: Certification Copy needed at the time of submission.



Sr. Technical Recruiter

Silicon Alley Group Inc.

Fax: 732-875-1060

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