Tuesday, April 27, 2021

[xrecnet] Sr Hadoop Admin - Architect ( CDH, HDP, CDP ) - Remote





This is Aravind, - Recruitment Team from MSR Cosmos

We have an urgent requirement as follows:

Please respond with resumes in MS-Word Format with the following details to 

Full Name :
Location :

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Contact Number :

Skype Id :

Last 4 digit SSNO :
Availability for project :

Availability for Interviews :
Visa Status and Validity :

D O B :

Years of Exp :


Requirement Details


Position 1:

Start date:  5/10/2021

Duration:  10 days

Lead engagement:  CDP Private Cloud Base Install  

                               Migration CDH to CDP Private Cloud Base  


Preparation and Prerequisites ● Complete current state discovery questionnaire ● Complete Upgrade risk assessment questionnaire ● Finalize Hive upgrade path ● Pig/flume migration plan discussed if relevant ● Validate OS upgrade and other pre-requisites for CDP (hereinafter referred to as "CDP") 2. CDP Upgrade Assessment and Planning ● Gain common understanding of key drivers and problem statement from all stakeholders ● Understand future use cases including type, data sources, consumers, security and governance ● Review Cluster architecture design, components design, configuration, jobs and clients ● Document / review current cluster performance metrics and SLA. ● Review implemented use cases and data processing pipelines including Ingest/ETL and egress ● Review Cluster operation challenges including frequently occurring issues and SLAs ● Review team's daily operation activities, organization alignments and work load allocations ● Review production/operation best practices including alerts, process and applicable automations ● Gain common understanding of specific known issues ( if any) around Cluster implementation ● Jointly troubleshoot to identify root cause(s) of known issues and recommend resolution ● Create assessment summary document, recommended optimizations with priorities ● Document future state CDP solution including guidance for application refactoring ● Develop end to end CDP Upgrade plan and gain concurrence with customer ● Jointly create application testing plan and identify all customer resources 3. Execute Cloudera platform upgrade (one environment) ● Execute upgrade for components in scope ● Configure requisite platform-related capabilities ● Validate the upgrade for configuration and performance ● Assist customer with application/workload testing and issue resolution ● Validate tool connectivity and all previous functionality ● Apply any identified fixes to upgraded Clusters based on initial health check ● Validate performance of prior usage patterns ● Update the runbook to reflect the recent configuration parameters ● Conduct knowledge transfer on the upgrade and operational details 4. Post upgrade activities ( As Applicable) ● Implement and validate jointly agreed recommendations based on priority from Customer ● Analyze sub optimal queries in detail and optimize them ● Analyze ETLs in detail and optimize through designs, configuration or refactor as applicable. ● Troubleshoot list of open operation issues and resolving them as applicable ● Implement proactive monitoring and alerting opportunities for Cluster maintenance as applicable ● Implementation of Dev/Ops procedures in Hadoop environment including capacity planning ● Assist Customer to create/update cluster Operational Runbook including cluster configuration information, high level operation and monitoring as applicable ● Knowledge transfer and coaching Customer team members 5. Service Delivery Management ● First point of contact for all Service Provider related items related to delivery of this engagement. ● Finalize requirements and review project expectations with Customer to gain common understanding ● Provide oversight to the engagement by jointly working with the Customer's Project Manager to deliver said services against agreed schedule, quality, scope and budget. ● Provide periodic status updates to stakeholders as agreed during the planning phase. ● Manage Service Provider resource onboarding, performance, billing/invoicing and client expectations ● Project kick off and hand-off  


Position 2

Start date:  5/3/2021

Duration:  10 days  

Lead engagement:  CDP Public Cloud Install  

                               CDP Public Cloud on AWS  


● Conduct use case discovery and architecture workshops ● Deep dive of Cloudera Data Platform Public Cloud ("CDP") and how to use CDP components ● Assess Customer workloads to identify suitable ones for migrating to cloud ● Design cloud solution architecture based on Cloudera best practices ● Design security (authentication, authorization and auditing) and data governance ● Establish connectivity between cloud environment and on-premises data center ● Provide end-to-end migration planning including customer resource requirements ● Validate pre-requisites, data access, team and other resource readiness ● Set up cloud environments including networking and identity ● Set up CDP on cloud including experiences (Data Warehouse, Data Engineering or Machine Learning) (respectively, "DW", "DE" and "ML") ● Provision replication manager and set data replication policies ● Migrate workloads such as a query/dashboard or an ML notebook or DE pipeline ● Migrate relevant data set, users and setting governance with SDX ● Refactor or optimize code for the migrating workload ● Test and validate end-to-end functioning of migrated workload ● Provide documentation and knowledge sharing Service Delivery Management ● First point of contact for all Service Provider related items related to delivery of this engagement. ● Finalize requirements and review project expectations with Customer to gain common understanding ● Provide oversight to the engagement by jointly working with the Customer's Project Manager to deliver said services against agreed schedule. ● Provide periodic status updates to stakeholders as agreed during the planning phase. ● Manage Service Provider resource onboarding, performance, and tracking of hours ● Project kick off and hand-off  


Position 3:

Duration:  10 days

Need very strong skills in Kudu and Kafka

Lead engagement:  CDH Cluster Health Check / Tuning / Optimization


Help customer to address current and future Hadoop infrastructure environment challenges and remediate any configurations that cause poor platform performance. The emphasis would be mainly on Kudu, Kafka and Mulesoft Integration. Following activities may be performed: a) Cluster Assessment Review Cluster and component configurations including cluster hardware, OS, number of Nodes, Node specifications, and network architecture. Cloudera will run standard performance check to detect bottlenecks and evaluate current scheduler configurations. Cloudera will recommend configuration changes required based on the specifics of cluster deployment, Customer requirements or benchmarking results. and suggest improvements. Below are some of the high-level review and assess activities: Cluster hardware, OS, network and physical topology configurations Cluster and component designs, configurations focusing in Kudu and Kafka Table design Performance and Tuning Data security components (Sentry, Navigator) configurations YARN queue/resource utilization and NameNode resource usage Known cluster issues, log analysis and available patches/hotfixes Current cluster capacity and growth strategy for capacity planning Integration with external software (principal MuleSoft) b) Optimization Recommendation and Implementation Based on the assessment, Cloudera will develop optimization recommendations and review with End User for prioritization. For up to the remaining hours in the SOW, Cloudera will implement prioritized recommendations, assist End User in updating cluster Operational Runbook, conduct knowledge transfer and provide coaching to End User team members.



Position 4:

Duration: 40 days

Lead engagement type:  HDP--> CDP PVC Base migration, Kafka, SRM/SMM and Flink skills

                                     CDP Private Cloud Base Install  

                                     Migration HDP to CDP Private Cloud Base  



1. Services. Cloudera will perform the following Services for Customer on a pre-paid time-and-materials basis up to the total number of estimated consulting hours in the "Time-and-Materials Services; Fees" section below:

a) Upgrade Planning & Discovery:

a. Review HDP cluster configuration for non-production and production clusters

b. Review cluster upgrade process, HDP 2.6.5 -> CDP

c. Review upgrade steps including Ambari upgrade

d. Review downtime requirements for upgrade options and generate recommendations, including repurposing non-production environment to support required downtime

e. Review cluster metrics for test result verifications

f. Review use-cases and custom defined functions, for migration to CDP

i. Identify complexity of functions to classify based on patterns into simple, medium and complex

ii. Review custom defined functions

iii. Assist to build migration plan for custom functions, including subset of applications and custom code for non-production and production environment verification

g. Review real time processing cluster & Kafka requirements

h. Review batched jobs processing cluster and Hive requirements

i. Identify communication channel and strategy for key stakeholders

j. Review HDP support tickets, as applicable for Customer

k. Build upgrade project plan for non-production and production upgrade

l. Review service account requirements for existing and new HDP services post upgrade

m. Document roles and responsibilities for each key Customer roles for Platform, Security, IT and Application team, including tasks and duration

n. Review upgrade hand-off plan

o. Review plan for Customer responsibility, to align with schedule and budget

p. Review Customer resource skillsets for upgrade and provide recommendations

b) Non-Production Cluster Upgrade : Multiple Clusters (up to 3)

a. Environment Non-Production: Upgrade

i. Review the cluster configuration for Hadoop, Kafka and Kafka Connect

ii. Review cluster prerequisites for upgrade readiness

iii. Perform cluster backup, including configurations and metadata

iv. Notify stakeholders for downtime window

v. Validate pre-upgrade backups

vi. HDP 2.6.5 -> CDP upgrade

· Register HDP repo

· Install binaries

· Merge and push configurations

· Upgrade core HDP processes

· Execute platform smoke-tests and document test results

· Build play-by-play upgrade runbook for CDP upgrade

vii. Apache Kafka 2.4.1 (Kafka, Kafka Connect, Confluent Schema Registry) to CDP migration

· Install Cloudera Manager

· Register HDP repo

· Install binaries

· Merge and push configurations

· Migrate Apache Kafka processes

· Migrate Kafka Connect Confluent HDFS Connector processes

· Migrate Confluent Schema Registry processes

· Enable Secure Kafka Listener in parallel

· Execute platform smoke-tests and document test results

· Build play-by-play upgrade runbook for CDP migration

viii. Verify cluster and finalize

· Verify service restarts and service checks

· Ensure sufficient disk space availability

· Verify NN restarts and any timeout parameter adjustments

· Clear all alerts

· Update Java version, as applicable

· Setup and/or update all required services passwords

ix. Functional and Performance Tests

· Execute functional testing

· Application testing assistance

o Assist to review custom function code for Customer

o Generate best practices recommendation for application migration, including phased approach based on complexity

o Assist to test and verify code changes

o Support testing of applications, including resolution of identified issues.

· Run standard benchmark tests and document results

x. Complete upgrade

xi. Update upgrade Runbook

b. Environment Non-Production: Enable Hadoop Security

c. Time permitting support Customer team to complete upgrade of remaining environments, as agreed by both parties

i. Review scheduling and budgeting impact for additional environment upgrades

c) Production Upgrade: Multiple Clusters (up to 6)

a. Environment: Production Cluster

i. Review cluster prerequisites for upgrade readiness

· Execute standard performance tests including TPC-DS, NN-Bench, DFSIO, etc. before upgrade

· Review performance tests for HDFS, Namenode and Hive

· Collect cluster metrics for pre and post upgrade comparison

· Review cluster configuration pre and post with Customer teams

· Assist Customer team to identify and collect pre-upgrade test results, for post upgrade verification

ii. Perform cluster backup, including configurations and metadata

iii. Validate pre-upgrade backups

iv. Review Non-Production Cloudera Runbook steps and adjust to meet Production requirements

v. CDP upgrade

· Register HDP repo

· Install binaries

· Upgrade core processes

· Merge and push configurations

· Execute platform smoke-tests and document test results

· Execute platform performance tests including TPC-DS and DFSIO, document test results and findings

· Build play-by-play upgrade runbook for HDP 2.6.5 -> CDP

vi. Apache Kafka 2.4.1 (Kafka, Kafka Connect, Confluent Schema Registry) to CDP migration

· Install Cloudera Manager

· Register HDP repo

· Install binaries

· Merge and push configurations

· Migrate Apache Kafka processes

· Migrate Kafka Connect Confluent HDFS Connector processes

· Migrate Confluent Schema Registry processes

· Enable Secure Kafka Listener in parallel

· Execute platform smoke-tests and document test results

· Build play-by-play upgrade runbook for CDP migration

vii. Functional and Performance Tests

· Execute functional testing, document key findings

· Run standard benchmark tests and document results for benchmark

viii. Verify and finalize cluster

· Verify service restarts and service checks

· Ensure sufficient disk space availability

· Verify NN restarts and any timeout parameter adjustments

· Clear all alerts

· Update Java version, as applicable

· Verify service restarts and service checks

· Setup and/or update all required services passwords

ix. Support Platform and Application teams

· Assist to provide configuration recommendation for identified issues

· Review performance test findings and impact analysis with Customer teams

· Assist Customer team with configuration tuning exercise based on Cloudera best practices

· Application testing assistance

o Assist to review custom function code for Customer

o Review best practices recommendation for application migration

o Assist to test and verify code changes

o Support testing of applications, including resolution of identified issues.

· Review Customer apps team findings on daily status calls

x. Update upgrade Runbook

xi. Complete upgrade and handoff cluster

b. Environment Production: Enable Hadoop Security

c. Time permitting support Customer team to complete upgrade of remaining environments, as agreed by both parties

i. Assist to enable key Customer contacts on upgrade process and plan

ii. Provide guidance on parallel environment upgrade by Customer team and assist with issue resolution.

iii. Assist Customer to update runbook for operational management of upgraded clusters"




Stay Safe


Thanks & Regards, 


6200 Stoneridge Mall Rd, Ste 300, Pleasanton, CA - 94588

Desk : 925 399 7145

Textnow : 732 574 5974

Fax : 925-219-0934

Email aravind@msrcosmos.com   


-          Microsoft Gold Partner

-          SAP Silver Partner

-          Oracle Gold Partner

-          Hortonworks Silver Partner

-          Cloudera Silver Partner

-          E-Verified

-          WBE Certified



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